Children's comedy drama series featuring the uproarious antics of an unruly badger and his human chum Simon Bodger. Mrs Dribelle's garden gnomes are going missing.
Will it be wedding bells for Mrs Dribelle and Mr Smart?
Children's comedy series. The Seagull's Rest is taken over by robots who sound uncannily like Badger and Mousey.
20 minutes
Simon and Mrs Peake think that the trifle has been taken over by aliens. Show more
Children's comedy drama. Can Badger save Mousey when she sails out to sea in Miss Peake's new hat?
A children's comedy drama. Badger leads Miss Peake and Mr Smart on a wild-goose chase. Show more
Children's comedy drama. Simon and Millie persuade Miss Peake to enter the fancy dress competition. Show more
Children's comedy drama. Badger and Simon try to compete with Mr Smart. Show more
The uproarious antics of an unruly badger and his human chum, Simon Bodger. Badger has his eye on Mr Smart's potatoes. Show more
Children's comedy drama. Who holds the record for making the biggest mess with mashed potato?
Children's comedy drama series. Is Mrs Bobbins's toy bear really a toy bear? Show more
Children's comedy series. Badger and Mousey cause chaos when they think Mr Tucknott has stolen Mrs Bobbins's money. Show more
The uproarious antics of an unruly badger and his human chum, Simon Bodger.