The unseemly row which developed among earth scientists in the 1830s was centred on the dispute between Henry de la Beche and Roderick Murchison over the age of Devon's rocks. Show more
Relations between science and politics sank to a brutal low in 1920s Russia in the dispute between Nikolai Ivanovitch Vavilov and Trofim Denisovic Lysenko over food production. Show more
When Leibniz published his paper on calculus in 1684 and didn't even mention Newton a schism in science opened that would not heal for some 140 years. Show more
In or around 1774 both Priestley and Lavoisier were working on a gas closely associated with combustion - so who should be credited with the discovery of oxygen? Show more
William Hartston tells the story of the row that exploded on a cold January day in 1935 between Eddington and Chandrasekhar. It was over the death of stars. Show more