Welcome to Icklewick FM, a new comedy series from The Delightful Sausage. Residents have seen a very tall man on the outskirts of town, what could he possibly want? Show more
Chris and Amy await the arrival of local lad done good, The Great Zambino. But a large queue forming in the town is holding up traffic. New comedy from The Delightful Sausage. Show more
The Icklewick FM team are on the scene for the 233rd Agricultural Festival. Featuring all the highlights from the Piglet Dressage to some very special musical acts. Show more
Icklewick FM is fundraising to buy blackout blinds to save little Lottie Brisket who’s suffering migraines from the light of the inland lighthouse. Please. Give generously. Show more
A Town in crisis! The bin men are striking, rubbish is piled high on the streets, rats are riding badgers (apparently) and where the hell is the Mayor?! Show more