From an international space station, six astronauts contemplate the earth, as it passes below. Ep 2/5: The typhoon builds, and Roman makes contact with a stranger on the ground. Show more
On an international space station, six astronauts orbit the earth. Ep 3/5: Chie remembers her mother - a survivor of the atomic bomb - and Nell processes her first space walk Show more
From an international space station, six astronauts contemplate the earth as it passes below. Ep 5/5: It's movie night on the space station, and the typhoon hits land. Show more
From an international space station, six astronauts contemplate the earth, as continents and oceans pass below. Ep 4/5: The crew think of missed loved ones on the surface below. Show more
From an international space station, six astronauts contemplate the earth, as continents and oceans pass beneath them. Ep 1/5: The crew wake to a new 'day'. A day of 16 mornings. Show more