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Results 1 to 8 of 8 for your search filters
Tha Màiri Anna ag innse mu cho duilich ‘s a bha chiad gheamhradh. Mairi Anna tells of a tough Canadian winter. Show more
Iain Eòsa is preparing to leave on the Marloch and talks about the family's feelings about their new life ahead. Show more
Murdo is excited to be leaving on the Metagama and is in no doubt he will do well in America. Show more
Air a’ Mhetagama, tha fios aig Doileag nach bi am beatha ùr ann an Canada furasta. On board the Metagama, Dolina knows that their new life in Canada will be challenging. Show more
Air bòrd a' Mharloch, tha an nighean òg Brìghdeag ag innse mun bheinn-deighe a chunnaic i. On board the Marloch, young girl Bridgit tells of the iceberg that she saw. Show more
Donald has made a good life for himself in Detroit, but he still remembers the feeling of homesickness. Show more
We meet “The Flounder” who did it all in America, and who’s now home and more than willing to show everybody else where they’re going wrong! Show more
Elizabeth talks about the tough years for her family, but she has no regrets about leaving their old life. Show more