In a climactic battle, the unit and their allies team up to fight the Camarilla's takeover of Fort Salem - but there is much more at stake than that. Show more
Raelle is reunited with her unit, and Alder and Tally undertake a dangerous journey into the past to retrieve the penultimate piece of the First Song. Show more
Lovebirds Raelle and Scylla might well be engaged, but, along with Abigail and Tally, they are now also under arrest and face a televised show trial on trumped-up charges. Show more
Tally reunites with her mother, and her fighting spirit is renewed. Syclla and Edwin team up in their determination to reach Raelle, somehow. Show more
The US witch army is given orders to march on the Cession, but, with the Great River Council undermined from within, who else will stay behind to defend the territory? Show more