Joanna Robertson celebrates the impact the views from her windows have on her life, an influence also felt by artists like writer Joseph Roth and painter John Constable. Show more
Joanna Robertson celebrates the minutiae of everyday life, showing that far from small, they're infinite, as revealed by acute observations and encounters, walking down her street. Show more
Unlike Virginia Woolf, who saw the minutiae of daily life as 'moments of non-being', Joanna Robertson celebrates the moments that shape, frame and colour our lives. Show more
Joanna Robertson celebrates the minutiae of our day-to-day, with acute observations and imaginings of the lives of others, from people painted by artists, to her new neighbours. Show more
Joanna Robertson says it is the small details that shape our lives. Drinking a coffee in a cafe becomes miraculous when everything observed around it coalesces into the one moment. Show more