First broadcast: on BBC Radio CymruLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio Cymru 2
Beth sy'n gwneud y delynores Catrin Finch yn feistres ar ei chrefft? Garry Owen sy'n holi. What makes Catrin Finch one of the most accomplished harpists of her generation?
First broadcast: on BBC Radio CymruLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio Cymru
Beth sy'n gwneud y cogydd Bryn Williams yn feistr ar ei grefft? Garry Owen sy'n holi. What makes Bryn Williams one of the most accomplished chefs of his generation?
First broadcast: on BBC Radio CymruLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio Cymru 2
Beth sy'n gwneud Bryn Terfel yn feistr ar ei grefft? Garry Owen sy'n holi. What makes Bryn Terfel one of the most accomplished singers of his generation?