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Love is in the air at the museum, and surely nothing can go wrong. Can it? With Helen Atkinson Wood. From September 2009. Show more
Walter has to make cuts at the museum, so who is for the chop? Starring Geoffrey Palmer and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From August 2009. Show more
A hard decision gets harder thanks to 'favours' being offered. Starring Geoffrey Palmer and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From August 2009. Show more
When Eva gives a press interview, the rest of the staff is taken to the cleaners. Stars Julian Rhind-Tutt. From September 2009. Show more
The museum's finest artefacts are off to Europe, but who can curate the exhibition? Stars Geoffrey Palmer. From September 2009. Show more
A dodgy alarm system doesn't help museum cleaner Eva's wedding day nerves. Stars Geoffrey Palmer. From September 2009. Show more