Neil MacGregor continues his series about the expression of shared beliefs with a focus on the patterns of nature, festivals, the religions that travel and the disruption of death. Show more
Neil MacGregor continues his exploration of how shared beliefs have shaped societies, and focuses on those that live with one God, with many gods or co-exist with local spirits. Show more
In the final programme of his series on how shared beliefs have shaped societies, Neil MacGregor looks at the co-existence of faith and politics and considers how we live together Show more
Neil MacGregor explores how the individual is woven into the belief system of the wider community - from birth through to becoming an adult, and through prayer and song. Show more
Neil MacGregor explores how communities articulate their understanding of the cosmos and their place in it: through the sun, fire and water - and a 40,000 year-old ivory carving. Show more
Neil MacGregor considers the role that images play in the expression of shared beliefs - how they are reproduced, interpreted and rejected, and how they change our behaviour. Show more