A look at the fake goods being sold in the UK, including the non-existent homes for sale and the fake cycle helmets putting children's lives at risk. Show more
The fake numbing cream that has life-changing consequences, how UK authorities are cracking down on fake clothing, and the dogs' home charity that lost thousands in a con. Show more
Dominic Littlewood investigates the con men trying to get their hands on people's money. Dom learns about the fake video game merchandise that blinded one young boy. Show more
Dominic Littlewood investigates the con men trying to get their hands on people's money. Dom learns about fake fire-resistant glass installed in schools, hospitals and churches. Show more
The fake email scam stealing thousands from kids' football teams, the tricks smugglers use to get fakes through our borders, and the fake perfume that's a hazard to your health. Show more
Today on Fake Britain, the cold callers making fake medical claims to rip off the elderly and vulnerable, and the fake pedigree cats that turned out to be ordinary moggies.
Dominic Littlewood investigates the con men trying to get their hands on people's money, including the fake food hygiene ratings in the windows of restaurants, cafes and takeaways. Show more
Dominic Littlewood looks at lorries with devices that fake their emissions, a fake cancer cure causing life-changing injuries and a counterfeit flea treatment for pets. Show more
Dominic Littlewood investigates the con men trying to get their hands on people's money, including the fake postage stamps being sold on high streets. Show more
Looking at the vacuum servicing that ripped off thousands of customers, fake headtorches that could explode, and fake protein shakes that barely contain any protein. Show more