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Results 1 to 5 of 5 for your search filters
Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996)
Episode 1: Takemitsu Rejects His Own Heritage
Duration: 1 hour
First broadcast: on BBC Radio 3
Donald Macleod explores the establishing years of composer Toru Takesmitsu, during which he initially rejected his Japanese heritage. Show more
Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996)
Episode 2: Takemitsu Meets Stravinsky and Cage
Duration: 1 hour
First broadcast: on BBC Radio 3
Donald Macleod journeys with Takemitsu as he meets Igor Stravinsky and John Cage during the 1950s and 1960s. Show more
Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996)
Episode 3: Takemitsu and the Pentagonal Garden
Duration: 1 hour
First broadcast: on BBC Radio 3
Donald Macleod explores Toru Takemitsu's interest in the guitar and inspiration from nature. Show more
Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996)
Episode 4: Takemitsu in Autumn
Duration: 1 hour
First broadcast: on BBC Radio 3
Donald Macleod explores the period Takemitsu composed his viola concerto A String Around Autumn. Show more
Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996)
Episode 5: Takemistu is Diagnosed with Cancer
Duration: 1 hour
First broadcast: on BBC Radio 3
Donald Macleod explores Takemistu's final years when, undergoing treatment for cancer, he plans to write an opera. Show more