First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
'S e faireachadh am fear mu dheireadh de na ciadfathan air a bheileas a' meòrachadh. Our sense of feeling is the final one of our senses explored in this series.
First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
An e milis, searbh, saillte, neo geur am blas as fheàrr leibh? Dè cho cudromach 's a tha e dhuinn? Our sense of taste - sweet, sour, salt and bitter - is examined. Show more
First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
A' beachdachadh air fàileadh, cho cudromach agus a tha e agus na dh'fhaodas a dhol ceàrr. Our sense of smell, how important it is and what can go wrong is explored. Show more
First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
'S e claisneachd agus fuaimean 's na tha iad a' ciallachadh dhuinn cuspair a' là an-diugh. Our sense of hearing is explored in today's programme. Show more