Charles Hazlewood continues to explore the links between seemingly unconnected pieces of music. This week, the starting point is Nina Simone's Mr Bojangles. Show more
This week's departure point is the Bristol trip hop scene, as Charles examines how the key ingredients of Portishead's Glory Box can be found in other genres. Show more
Conductor Charles Hazlewood presents a new six-part series finding the links between seemingly unconnected pieces of music. He begins with Elbow's Lippy Kids. Show more
Charles Hazlewood finds the links between seemingly unconnected music, exploring how the key ingredients of Jimi Hendrix's All Along The Watchtower can be found in other genres. Show more
Charles Hazlewood continues to explore the links between seemingly unconnected pieces of music. This week's departure point is The Name of the Game by ABBA. Show more