First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Sreath ùr a' toirt sùil air na beathaichean nar beatha - a' tòiseachadh leis a' chat. A closer look at the animals with whom we share our lives - starting with the cat.
A' coimhead ris an àite a th' aig cait nar beatha agus mar a tha iad a' coimhead oirnne. Examining the place our cats have in our lives and we in theirs.
First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Sùil air an àite a th' aig beathaichean ann am beatha nan Gaidheal. An-diugh, cearcan. Series looking at the place animals have in our lives. Today's programme focuses on the hen.