The boys continue their lives as pirates, but Tom sneaks to the mainland to find out how much they are missed.
The boys return home to tearful tributes and a thankful community - then they visit poor Muff Potter in jail. Ed Bishop reads.
Tom gives evidence in court so Injun Joe is a wanted man. The boys dig for treasure - and so do the criminals. Ed Bishop reads.
The boys, in fear of Injun Joe, try to track down his treasure. But Tom is distracted by a picnic - and Becky. Ed Bishop reads.
A search party is out for Tom and Becky who must survive in a cave - where Tom makes a terrifying discovery. Ed Bishop reads.
Safe at last - Huck is made respectable and Tom plans an elite robber gang. Abridged by Brian Miller and read by Ed Bishop.
Aunt Polly tries to get Tom to whitewash a fence - but he has other ideas. 1876 classic read by Ed Bishop.
Tom goes to school and takes lessons in the pitfalls of love thanks to the yellow-haired Becky Thatcher. Read by Ed Bishop.
Tom and Huckleberry Finn try to cure warts with a visit to a graveyard - but they are in for a nasty shock. Read by Ed Bishop.
Ignored by Becky, Tom decides he is an outcast and runs off with Joe and Huck to try the life of a pirate. Read by Ed Bishop.