Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible to answer the questions. Four children from Swansea play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible to answer the questions, as four children from Nottingham play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible to answer the questions. Four children from Edinburgh play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible to answer the questions, as four children from Belfast play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Innerleithen play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Manchester play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Liverpool play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Stevenage play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Liverpool play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Downpatrick play for the star prize. Show more
Contestants from Welwyn Garden City play against their friends. Who will have the patience and the skill to make it through to the final challenge? Hosted by Pete Firman. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Glasgow play for the star prize. Show more
Pete Firman hosts the game show in which contestants must wait as long as possible before answering the questions, as four children from Leeds play for the star prize. Show more