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The man behind seminal 1950s sci-fi Journey into Space talks about writing the show during a blackout with a child on each knee.
The former BBC producer Charles Chilton talks about the real life Mars explorer who was inspired by his 1950s sci-fi Journey into Space.
More from Jim Lee's interview with the celebrated sci-fi producer, who doesn't like reading sci-fi.
The former BBC producer explains why radio is the best place for sci-fi.
The BBC producer Charles Chilton talks about his 1950s sci-fi trilogy Journey into Space, and its revival 30 years later.
The man behind 1950s sci-fi Journey into Space, Charles Chilton, talks about his time as producer of The Goon Show.
The BBC producer Charles Chilton talks about his 1950s sci-fi trilogy 'Journey into Space', and its revival 30 years later.
The former BBC producer talks about the ground-breaking music and effects on his classic 1950s sci-fi 'Journey into Space'.