Wartime sitcom. Still searching for the Fallen Madonna, Herr Flick gives Helga a truth drug.
Wartime sitcom. Herr Flick and Von Smallhausen almost meet their maker in front of a firing squad.
Wartime sitcom. What could go wrong with Michelle's plan to swap an eel containing the Fallen Madonna for a dog fish containing 10 million francs?
Wartime sitcom. Rene and company have to disguise themselves as Spanish dancers to recover some battle equipment from the chateau.
Wartime sitcom. It's Rene's birthday and he gets a series of surprises - not all of which are pleasant.
Wartime sitcom. Renee has organised a secret wedding with Yvette, but things have a habit of not going quite according to plan.
Wartime sitcom. Everybody tries to escape - the colonel and Gruber to Spain, Madame Fanny and LeClerc to Paris, and Rene and Edith to anywhere but the firing squad. Show more