Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog, trapped on board the ship Dogstar, across space. Hobart, Zeke and Alice come across a highly evolved yet tiny dog. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids miss their dog Hobart and go in pursuit of the Dogstar. Dino tries to impress his father, Bob Santino, by taking on the mantle of evilness. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids miss their dog Hobart and go in pursuit of the Dogstar. The kids find the Dogstar but it's been destroyed by meteors, or so it seems. Show more
Animation. The crew find a whole planet that seems to act as an advertising agency for the entire universe. Show more
Animation. Bob Santino distracts the Clark kids with a toy that can make your wildest dreams come true, so he can get Boombah. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped on board the ship Dogstar. Bob Santino finds the Dogstar. Show more
Animation. Bob Santino hires Planet Man actor Bud Rafferty to lure the kids away so he can capture Boombah. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped on board the ship Dogstar. Could Gemma really do the unthinkable and eat Boombah? Show more
Animation. Visiting New Earth, the Valiant crew meets the original inventor of the Robog. They help him back to New Earth to confront the man who ripped him off. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped onboard the ship Dogstar. Zeke's belief that he is human leads him to play practical jokes on Alice. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue the Dogstar, which contains all of Earth's dogs. Bob Santino clones Boombah, but the clone grows to the size of a house and takes Dino hostage. Show more
Animation. The Dogstar goes through a radiation anomaly and ends up the size of a tennis ball. Show more
Animation. Ramon Ridley completes his rejuvenation of Old Earth and creates a device to track down the Dogstar. Show more
Animation. The Clark kids pursue their dog across space, who is trapped on board the ship Dogstar. The Valiant lands on planet Ruca again. Show more