Is time to start building bungalows again to meet the housing needs of the ageing population? And should the so-called Canary Girls of WWII be given individual honours? Show more
How landlords are cheating the rules on short lets to tourists. Dr Oscar Duke meets the kids growing up with arthritis. And how hackers can get into a home’s smart devices. Show more
Hanif Qadir investigates how potential terrorists are slipping through the net. Chris Jackson discovers how dashcam footage is helping tackle
dangerous driving. Show more
We find out what’s being done to help railway staff developing
serious mental health problems because of violent passengers. Show more
Simon Glass meets the Olympic BMX hopefuls from Peckham now left in limbo by the coronavirus crisis. Show more
Abi Jaiyeola investigates the company charging thousands for training courses in how to buy property but which leaves many of its customers with nothing but debt. Show more
Sean Fletcher discovers why sexual harassment is the norm for women on a night out. Show more
Karl Mercer spends 24 hours on the frontline of a hospital trauma unit. Dan Cruickshank discovers how a buried time capsule is revealing the secrets of a pioneering hospital. Show more
Could returning to paper bags be an answer in the war against plastic waste? And the families facing huge financial losses following the collapse of a wealth management company. Show more
Jonny Meah asks if keeping exotic pets at home should be banned. Gareth Furby meets the families under siege from the pimps and prostitutes working on their doorstep. Show more
Jonathan Gibson investigates whether vehicle exhaust fumes at drive-through restaurants could be putting workers’ health at risk. Show more
How AFC Wimbledon are moving back to their spiritual home after nearly two decades in exile. The man whose passion forged a national taskforce that feeds and clothes the homeless. Show more
With so many firefighters suffering from cancer, Tracy Gee investigates whether enough is being done to protect them from harmful toxins. Show more
Forgery expert Curtis Dowling examines the fake art boom. Dan Cruickshank looks at how Shakespeare's lost theatre was unearthed. Linford Christie visits London's oldest youth club. Show more
Stolen to order - Phil Kemp investigates the growing crime of car cloning in the capital. Plus Jo Good finds out how technology is helping to revive the traditional milk round. Show more
Mark Jordan investigates a company planning to recruit a global network of internet users to make sure London's CCTV cameras are watched - with prizes for catching the criminals. Show more
Nick Baker reveals what impact climate change is having on our wildlife. Show more
Dr Oscar Duke meets the first NHS patient to have his eye sight restored after being blinded by a vicious acid attack 25 years ag
Jasmine Birtles finds out how to bag a cheap home in central London. Show more
As the death toll from fatal stabbings continues to rise, an Inside Out special focuses on knife crime. Stephanie Thomas reveals the trauma faced by kids witnessing knife violence. Show more
Tom Edwards investigates the chaos being caused by Crossrail delays. Jo Good finds out if it’s possible to become a YouTube star in middle age. Show more