A new investigation by Michael Innes
The pseudonym of Michael Innes conceals the Identity, of a Shakespearean scholar who is also one of the most inspired writers of modern detective fiction. Both of these capacities are exercised in this investigation into ' the violent and more or lees mysterious deaths ' of all who might put forward a claim to. the throne of Denmark. The solution he offers tonight is as ingenious as it is stimulating.
Other Hamlet programmes this week are ' The Fool's Saga,' by Rayner Heppenstall (Monday and Friday); John Gielgud in the production first broadcast last December (Tuesday); ' I Hold You Up a Glass,' a talk on the play. by T. S. Gregory (Wednesday and Thursday); The Second-Best Bed,' arranged for broadcasting by John Keir Cross from James Joyce 's 'Ulysses' (Thursday); and ' The Missing Speech in Hamlet,' a talk by John Bamborough (Friday)
Prelude, Aria, and Finale played by Solomon (piano)
Short story by Herman Charles Bosman
Reader, Leonard Sachs