by HIS MAJESTY THE KING with a description of the scene by Thomas Woodrooffe from Vickers Armstrong 's Naval
Yard, Walker-on-Tyne
An article by Thomas Woodrooffe , ' Tyneside Builds a Battleship will be found on page 6
3.55 app. Interlude
(North. See page 37)
8.40 Interlude
William Aspden
A programme to commemorate the launch of H.M.S. King George V by His Majesty King George VI and giving a survey of the history of launches, during the past fifty years, from the shipyards of the river Tyne. The programme will include a recording of part of this afternoon's ceremony of the launch of H.M.S. King
George V
The programme written by Cecil McGivern and Walter Diericx
Produced by Cecil McGivern
(including Weather Forecast)
including Weather Forecast