Conductor, T. Collinson
(Soloists, V. Coatsworth and W.C. Douglas)
Thomas Sharpe
This is the centenary of the planning of Newcastle-upon-Tyne by Richard Grainger, a speculative builder who began as a carpenter. Thomas Sharpe will discuss what use is being made of present-day opportunities compared with the use Grainger made of his.
(Church of England) from Hexham Abbey.
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Hymn, Come, ye thankful people, come (A. and M. 382; S.P. 9)
Confession and Absolution (from the Office of Compline)
Lord's Prayer, Versicles, and Responses
Psalm !xv (Chant-Stanford in E flat)
Lesson, John xv, 1-8
Magnificat (Wood, in C minor) Creed and Prayers
Hymn, Father of mercies, God of love (A. and M. 388)
Address by the Rev. J. V. C. Farquhar, Rector of Hexham
Hymn, Now thank we all our God (A. and M. 379; S.P. 350)
Organist, T. Christy
including Weather Forecast