True stories-believe it or not!
These stories are told by a number of West Country folk gathered together to tell their experiences of the past month. These experiences may even have been dreamt, but nevertheless they promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but ... Well, you listen, and-believe it or not!
Here are some of the tales in advance :
They introduce themselves. i. The Three Tired Plumbers 2. A Tale of the Yeast 3. Alice's Affair
4. Sitting on the Fence
5. Widdecombe Fairytale 6. Heard in London
7. The Beauty Queen of Biddlecombe (which becomes a miniature musical comedy!)
They say goodbye
The cast includes
Billy Burden
Ken Louis
Bobby Dixon
Eileen Hardy Hodder
Edward Clark
The Western Revue Chorus under the direction of George Buchanan
The Clifton Light Orchestra
Variety Section
Conducted by Leslie Bridgmont
Sketches and Lyrics by Peter Lansda !e; Michael Holloway ; Dorothy Worsley ; Eileen Hartly Hodder ; Diana Morgan ; F. Wilcock and R. Rutherford. Music by Michael Sayer , George Buchanan ,
John Morley
Devised and produced by Frederick Piffard
(From Regional)