(To Schools) laith a Llenyddiaeth Cymru
(Welsh Language and Literature)
5—' Ymadroddion Cwta '
Y tro hwn, sgwrs ar briod-ddulliau sy'n son am greaduriaid.
(Welsh Songs)
A. Gwyn Davies (bariton)
Memories of the Palace
Bringing you songs from the past and personalities who appeared there round about the Gay 'Nineties
Nellie Homblow
John Morgan
Donald Wells
Tom Jones
The Lyrian Singers
Conductor, Idloes Owen
The BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Variety Section)
Conductor, Idris Lewis
Devised by Sol Latner
The production under the direction of Wynford Vaughan Thomas and Glyn Jones
(Adleisiau o'r Palace,
Chwaraedy Hynaf Caerdydd )