Do your shopping by microphone tonight in the Great Winter Sale
(Gwerthu'n Rhad: Darllediad o siop fawr yn y De)
Have you forgotten that three-piece suit, or that chic little hat, or that fur coat you promised yourself this year? If so, listen to this programme.
The microphone will be visiting one of the leading South Wales stores in the middle of the winter sales.
(' Drwy ffenestr yn Rhydychen')
J. Goronwy Edwards
As Senior Tutor of Jesus College, and President of the Dafydd ap Gwilym Society, the speaker has been in an unusually favourable Position to keep in touch with the generations of Welsh students as 'hey have passed through Oxford.
The Welsh Region and Radio-Eireann join in a programme of National Music
(Cymru ac Iwerddon yn canu i'w gilydd)
Irish Half :
' Ymddiddan gan Ifor Williams,
D Litt., Athro Cymraeg yn Ngholeg y Brifysgol, Bangor
('Country Idiom'—a talk by Ifor
Williams, D.Litt., Professor of Welsh at the University College of North