' Gunstone Jones (penillion)
Tom Bryant (telyn)
(A Penillion and Harp Recital)
('Christmas celebrations of yesterday')
Parch. H. T. Jacob
by Ben Davies (tenor) with Idris Lewis at the pianoforte
A Christmas Feature . by Jack Jones
Production by T. Rowland Hughes Dai Ianto , and Jane, the popular trio of Morlais Castle and Brecknock's Beacon Lights, return to the microphone tonight in episodes alive with the spirit of Christmas. An exile returning from Slough to spend Christmas at home is the peg on which Dai, who lives in the past, hangs a story about the \\elsh parson, Sir Hugh Evans. Ianto, however, refuses to give Dai as much freedom to talk of the past as he was given in the two previous features, for the visitor from Slough has brought a turkey, and lanto has secured a wireless set on the ' pay-as-you-listen ' arrangement. It looks as if Ianto is going to steal the show ' on this occasion. If so, it will he as merry as Christmas demands.