(Church of Scotland) from St. Nicholas Church, Cardonald
Order of Service
Call to Worship Prayer
Metrical psalm lxv, 1-4 Praise waits for thee in Sion, Lord (Tune, St. Stephen)
Paraphrase xxvi, 1-6 Ho! ye that thirst, approach the spring (Tune, Grafenberg)
Old Testament lesson, Isaiah xxxv Children's Address
Hymn, Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep (Rv. C.H. 668)
New Testament lesson, Luke xxii,
Hymn, Dear Lord and father of mankind (Rv.C.H. 668)
Address by the Rev. JOHN TURNER
Hymn, Jesus, my Lord, my God, my
'all (Rv.C.H. 430)
Organist, Philip Gardiner
The church from which this morning's service comes is one of the new buildings designed to serve a growing suburban area. It serves the Hillington housing scheme and is the nearest ecclesiastical building to the new Scottish Industrial Estate, where another 4,000 houses will be built within the next two years.
by Susan Ferrier , arranged for broadcasting by George Scott-Moncrieff and Ann Scott-Moncrieff
5—‘ A Thriving Property '
Read by Nan Scott