Speech Training for Juniors
I ' Hard-working twins '
Anne H. McAllister, D.Sc.
The Farms of Scotland
' Practice with Science '
W. G. OGG , Ph.D.
2.25 Interval
2.30 National Programme
2.55 Interval
The Band of H.M. Royal Air
Force, conducted by Flight-Lieut. J. H Aniers : Royal Air Force March Past (Waljord Davies)
The Band of H.M. Grenadier
Guards, conducted by Major George Miller : Medley, Songs of Scotland
The Band of H.M. Coldstream
Guards, conducted by Captain R. G. Evans : Selection, Les Cloches de Corneville (Planquette)
The Band of H.M. Coldstream
Guards, conducted by Lieut. J. C. Windram : Marche heroique de Szabady (Massenet)
by Catherine M. Clark (soprano)
' Fionnghal Nic Dhomhnuill ' lomradh leis an Urramach Dòmhnull
(' The Old Heroes '-
Flora MacDonald )