'Why Pray ? '
The Rev. J. K. THOMSON
Janette Sclanders (soprano)
David Leven (lutenist)
Music of the 16th and 17th centuries, for Voice, for Lute and for Virginal
Research and Notes by Henry G. Farmer , Ph.D.
(Congregational) from the Studio
Order of Service
Psalm xxiii, The Lord's my Shepherd
(Tune, Wiltshire)
Hymn, Blest be the tie that binds
(Cong. H. 217; Rv. C.H. 490)
Hymn, I'm not asham'd to own my
Lord (Cong. H. 432 ; Rv. C.H. 507)
Address by the Rev. THOMAS JOHN -
STONE, President of the Congregational Union of Scotland
Hymn, When I survey the wondrous
Cross (Cong. H. 112; Rv. C.H. 106)