A 'Record' Collection of 'Turns'
by Mona Benson (mezzo-contralto)
An die Geliebte (To the Beloved) - Wolf
Mein Liebste singt (My lover sings) - Wolf
Auf dem grunen Balkon (At her green lattice window) - Wolf
Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen (If thou wouldst see they lover ravished, dying) - Wolf
Denk' es O Seele (Consider, O Soul) - Wolf
Schalfendes Jesuskind (The Christchild asleep) - Wolf
Morgentau (Morning Dew) - Wolf
Anakreons Grab (Anacreon's Grave) - Wolf
Fussreiso (Wandering) - Wolf
A Reading of the Ballad from 'Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border' in celebration of
The 340th Anniversary of the raid on Carlisle Castle, April 13, 1596