(Presbyterian) from First Presbyterian Church,
. Coleraine
Organ Voluntary
6.45 Order of Service
Call to Worship and Invocation
Metrical psalm 63, Lord, thee my
God, I'll early seek, vv. 1-8 (Tune, Jackson)
Scripture lesson, Psalm cixx, 81-88
Hymn, Tell me the old, old story
(Rv. C.H. 682)
Metrical psalm 145, 2nd version, vv.
9-16, 0, Lord, thou art my God and King (Tune, Warrington)
Address by the Rev. J. N. M. LEGATE
Anthem, Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Lord's Prayer
Hymn, Lead, kindly light (Rv. C.H.
Organist, James Moore