(Presbyterian) from Fisherwick Church, Belfast
Organ Voluntary
6.45 Order of Service Scripture Sentences
Hymn, Come, Thou Holy Paraclete
(verses 1 and 2) (Rv. C.H. 186)
Metrical Psalm li, verses 7-13. Do
Thou with hyssop sprinkle me (Tune, 100)
Scripture Reading, Acts ii, 1-21 Prayer
Hymn, Spirit of God, that moved of old (Rv. C.H. 185)
Anthem, If ye love Me, keep My commandments (Stewart)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Hymn, Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (Rv. C.H. 196)
Address by the Rev. JAMES PATTER-
SON, Macrory Memorial Church, Belfast
Hymn, Our blest Redeemer
(Rv. C.H. 180)
Organist and Choirmaster,
T. S. Forster