An extract from ' Ballygullion ' by Lynn Doyle
Read by the author
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conducted by James Denny
May Moore (soprano)
(Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland) from the studio
Order of Service
Psalm 100, All people that on earth do dwell. 1st version. Tune, Old Hundredth, 15. From Genevan Psalter, 1551
Lesson, I John iv, 7-21
Psalm 36, Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens. Verses 5-10. Tune, London New, 79. From Scottish Psalter, 1635
Prayers *
Psalm 124, Now Israel may say. 2nd version. Tune, Old 124th, 176. From Genevan Psalter, 1551
Address by the Rev. R. NEVIN LYONS
Psalm 23, The Lord's my shepherd.
Tune, Wiltshire, 136. By G.F. Smart
7.50 Interval