(Presbyterian) from Fisherwick Church, Belfast
Organ Voluntary
6.50 Order of Service
Scripture Sentences
Hymn, 0 come, 0 come, Immanuel
(verses 1 and 4) (Rv. C.H. 149)
Metrical Psalm 148, Praise ye the Lord (Tune 175)
Reading Prayer
Hymn, 0 God, Thou art my God alone (Rv. C.H. 473)
Anthem, Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding (Thiman)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Paraphrase 26, Seek ye the Lord
(verses 7-12) (Tune 68)
Address by the Rev C. JACKSON,
M.C., Crescent Church, Belfast
Hymn, Rock of Ages, cleft for me
(First tune) (Rv. C.H. 413)
Organist, T. S. Forster