by THE WINNER of the organ-playing competition in the second International Organ Festival, held in the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban, June 30 to July 4
A monthly forum
Introduced by Carl Wildman
Kurt Weill and Bert Brecht
In the early 30s the music of Kurt Weill for The Threepenny Opera and for Mahagonny had an exciting appeal. In the 60s the writer Brecht is more noted and quoted. Talking about the works of collaboration and introducing the music is Michael Geliot who produced The Rise and Fall of Mahagonny at the Sadler's Wells Theatre and is about to direct another work of this early period during the Edinburgh Festival, Happy End.
Brecht's American Scene
What is it like for an American to act in a play set in pre-1914 Chicago? Lionel Stander, from the English Stage Company's production St. Joan of the Stockyards, talks to Laurence Kitchin.
A CONSULTANT PAEDIATRICIAN talks about some of the commonest problems which are brought to him and answers questions from mothers
4: Discipline, Punishments, and Fears
News of special interest to blind listeners