Introduced by BASIL MINCHIN
Retrospect of the Year by EDWARD ROGERS
'The Church of England DAVID EDWARDS reviews PAUL FERRIS 'S recent book about the established Church
'A Future for the Free Churches?' by CHRISTOPHER DRIVER is reviewed by HOWARD WILLIAMS
'Christian Unity-a Catholic View': The impact of ecumenism on the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales is discussed by GEORGE SONGHURST in the light of last August's Heythrop Conference, of which this book is an account
First of three programmes based on the Christmas Eve Service (in French) from the Taize Community in Burgundy Introduced by PAULETTE PRENEY
An Analysis of Fear by DONALD C. KENDRICK , Ph.D.,
Lecturer in Psychology University of London
-A new-born baby is not afraid of strangers or unfamiliar objects. As we grow we learn to fear: a development not always to our advantage. Dr. Kendrick asks ' What can we learn about fear from the animal world? '