Script by Ronald Hingley
Produced by Raymond Escoffey
A pamphlet containing vocabularies, grammar, and notes on pronunciation and theory can be obtained, price 5s., through news-agents and booksellers or by sending a crossed postal order for 5s. (not stamps, please) to [address removed]
A careers programme for those taking G.C.E.
The pharmacist—directly or indirectly-is part of the National Health Service, whether he be working in a retail shop, a hospital pharmacy, or in a manufacturing company. This programme describes the various sections of the profession and gives details of the qualifications and training required.
Introduced by Clive Baxter Arranged by Robert Gunnell
Children Too Fat
Is the fatness inherited
Automatic appetite control
Helping these children to get thinner
The doctor, who speaks from her obesity clinic experience, concludes her talks on this subject
See facing page
Today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report