Introduced by John Lade
Mosco Carner in 'Building a Library ' considers the available recordings of Puccini's La Boheme
Donald Mitchell reviews some recent records of chamber music
Variations on a Theme
2-The Legal Mate
R. G. Wade discusses the possibilities of this position
From a recent
National Club
Championship game,
This talk includes a number of miniature games that may be followed by listeners on their own chessboards
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Find the Continuation
Announcement of results
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A talk by Harry Gotombek
A monthly series edited by Bob Spencer and Maxwell Knight
John Sankey describes two species of snail-the roman and the round-mouthed-which are being studied in parts of Surrey, and appeals for information about their distribution in other areas
Kenneth Williamson discusses variations in habitat and song of isolated populations of wrens on Fair Isle. St. Kilda, Shetland, and the Hebrides
Ronald Hickling describes the breeding behaviour of the sand martin, a social species that breeds in closely co-ordinated colonies
Aubrey Buxton reports on the work of the Council for Nature's conservation corps, in which young naturalists can help to maintain nature reserves
Produced by Winwood Reade
See facing page