The speakers include:
Elementary schooling
The older horseman reviews some modern trends
Today's views on the modern school
Problems of the small pony breeder
Introduced by Patricia Lehane
Edited and produced by Francis Dillon
Next Thursday: Cycling
by Ann Codrington
Siamese cats are considered by their admirers to be among the most beautiful animals on earth. Ann Codrington, who has bred Seal-point Siamese for twenty-five years, discusses the present position of the breed, the care they require, and experiments to produce new varieties.
Dramatised extracts from the book by Jerome K. Jerome: a programme for listeners interested in brushing up their German
Episode 3
Jerome does the packing while the other two look on and give good advice.
VOCABULARY wahrend, during; praktisch, practical; die Bratpfanne, frying-pan; schwer verdaulich, difficult to digest; der Teelopf, teapot; der Kessel, kettle; die Geduld, patience; die Kochgerdte, cooking utensils; der Schinken, ham; der Kase, cheese; schmecken, to taste; sonst, else, otherwise; genug davon, that's enough; die Obsttorte, fruit flan; die Fruchte, fruit; das Gemiise, vegetables; umkippen, to capsize; schlafrig, sleepy; die Schwerarbeit, heavy work; treffen, to meet; die Kleider, clothes; der Koffer, suitcase; der Korb, basket, hamper; die Lebensmittel, food; ich weiss Bescheid, I know all about it; zusehen, to watch; du kannst gut lachen, it's all very well for you to laugh; der arme Kerl, poor chap; blade, stupid; diese gehbrt mir, this one is mine; griindlich, thoroughly; der Schlafanzug, pyjamas; mir fallt es ein, I remember; ausruhen, to rest; vemickt, mad, crazy.