1—Collecting in the Past with pencil and paper
Maud Karpeles talks about the methods of Cecil Sharp , Vaughan Williams , and their predecessors, with examples of songs they collected
Patrick Shuldham-Shaw (baritone)
Dorothy Manley (piano)
JOHN Lowe , of the Victoria and Albert Museum, talks about the great eighteenth-century cabinet-makers: their workshops, establishment, and growth.
The second of four programmes
May 19: English Porcelain
For those Interested in starting to speak German
Script by S. J. W. Salame
11-Auf dem Markt
Susan and David go shopping in the market with Hans.
Production by W. R.-H. Carling
A pamphlet Riving notes and vocabularies for the last eleven programmes can be obtained by sending a 9d. postal order (not stamps) to [address removed]
Singing in Tune by Doris Gould
Parents are sometimes inclined to assume too easily that one child is musical and another is not. How far is it possible to turn the ' growler ' into a songster? This is one of the points reviewed by an experienced teacher of music.
Reading Difficulties by Norah Gibbs
It a child is slow in learning to read does it mean that he is generally backward? This is a question that troubles parents: it is discussed in this talk.
Compère, Colin Doran arranged by Eileen Molony