A special edition dealing with a problem that faces many young people who are out at work
Should I Join a Trade Union?
William Jones and Maxwell Fendt put the questions to
Peter Wiles
Lecturer in Economics at Oxford George Woodcock Assistant General Secretary,
Trades Union Congress
In the chair: Maurice Kendall
A weekly programme of Christian news and comment
A series of eight programmes in which historians and archaeologists build up a picture of the personalities, ideas, and achievements of the English during the centuries before the Norman invasion.
7-The Age of Dunstan
D. J. V. Fisher
Senior Tutor, Jesus College, and Lecturer in History, University of Cambridge
Brian Hope-Taylor, F.S.A.
Secretary of the Council for British Archaeology Medieval Research Committee, and Archaeological Consultant to the Ministry of Works
Edward Miller
Fellow of St. John's College and Lecturer in History, University of Cambridge
Dunstan was a great churchman and a great statesman whose life illustrates the unique relationship between Church and State in later Saxon England. The speakers describe how this relationship can be seen in the laws and government and concept of kingship in this period— particularly the latter, which, with many other Saxon institutions, was taken over by William and his Normans in 1066.