AM News. sport and business. including
5.45 Wake Up to Money.
Julian Worricker and Victoria Derbyshire with news, sport, weather and money.
Pius travel and racing at 6.55 and 7.55.
News and debate, including at 9.00 the 5 Live phone-in. Call free on [number removed]. Just after 10.00 the interview of the day. Plus 10.35 Euronews.
With Aiian Robb.
PM The latest news and sport, the guest interview, p!us finance and entertainment.
News, sport and travel updates with Peter Hoffen and Jane Hoffen.
With Jonathan Overend.
7.02 News Extra David McNeit with a roundup of the day's news and sport.
7.30 Commentary on the Champions' League tie A!K Soina v Arsena! and reports on Manchester United vSturm Graz, p)us news of Division One games.
With Brian Alexander, including at 10.30 a full sports roundup, 11.00 a late news and finance briefing, and between 11.30 and 1.00 a sharp and spirited late-night topical discussion.
AM WithRhodSharp.inciudingatl.45 wondweatherwith Philip Eden.