1974 wartime comedy
, Jeeves Comic tale (4/6)
, Decent, Honest and Truthful (3/6)
as 9pm
as 9.15pm
, Lower Orders
as 8.30pm
the 20th Century
1992: Oldies, Speculators, and Labour FallsAgain Read by Anna Massey (85/90)
Eating on Tour with Franz Ferdinand Richard Hamilton's abridged version of Alex Kapranos 's witty account of what he ate while touring the world with his band (1/5)
first of five Jan Struther's short stories written in the late 1930s about middle-class family hfe
extracts from Ysenda Maxtone Graham's 2001 biography of her grandmother Jan Struther (1/5)
Stories, poems and songs
, Jeeves Comic tale (4/6)
, Decent, Honest and Truthful (3/6)
Follett sci-fi thriller starring TP McKenna (1/6)
1941 sci-fi thriller read by Paul Birchard (6/6)
1972 comedy with Ronnie Barker and Pauline Yates
, Lower
Orders 2005 comedy thriller (1/6)
reads the 1920 detective thriller by Sapper (1/6)
Acidic satire by Lou Wakefield and Carole Hayman (1/5)
First of four Michael Gilbert mysteries dramatised by Michael Butt, starring Philip Jackson