1958 comedy
1993 comedy (5/6)
as 3pm
as 9pm
as 9.15pm
Taken at the Flood as 8pm
the 20th Century 1984:the Miners' Strike and the Brighton Bomb (77/90
Politicians discuss their influences, continuing with Shirley Williams 's debt to economic historian Karl Polany (3/5)
Kate Grenville's 2005 novel about the life-changing experiences of a London boatman forcibly sent to Australia in 1806 (3/10)
Andrew Eames reads from his 2004 novel (3/5)
stars in Eric Pringle's adaptation of JB Priestley
1929 novel about a travelling concert party (1/3)
, poems and songs
1993 comedy (5/6)
1987 Sue Limb comedy with Simon Callow (3/6)
museum guard who sets out to discover the secrets of the universe, starring Lyndsey Marshall (3/5)
Taken at the Flood With
John Moffatt as the brilliant Belgian sleuth (3/5)
1957 detective drama by Ernest Dudley, with Cecil Parker and Sheila Sim
By Alice Walker (8/10)
monologue about counselling, with Sue Johnston
Spicer sitcom starring David Tennant (1/6)
2003 comedy with Marcus Brigstocke (2/6)