1964 comedy
, poems and songs
1957 comedy sketches
, Gentleman Spy as 8.30pm
David Troughton stars in the first of three plays drawing on The Lives of the Caesars, written in AD 121 by Suetonius and dramatised for radio by Mike Walker
1957 comedy sketches
1939 adventure by WE Johns, read by Michael Palin (1/8)
The life of actor John Gielgud told through his letters, read by Derek Jacobi (1/5)
and Mary Narrated by Anna Massey (96/216)
history of Portland stone (1/5)
Songs and stories
Claire Knight stars in Marty Ross 's horror tale about two women taking refuge in a Scottish country mansion where a demon lurks (1/5)
from Margaret Atwood's 1985 novel (1-2/10)
Comedy drama about a private investigator, written by Ian McMillan, Dave Sheasby and Martyn Wiley, and starring Fine Time Fontayne
Somerset Maugham spy thriller, abridged by Neville Teller
adaptation of Gustave Flaubert's novel, starring Sarah Smart and Conrad Nelson (6/10)
Baroness Orczy mystery starring Bernard Hepton and Suzanne Burden
improvised comedy with Paul Merton