16:00Gaillard and his Orchestra.6LV Liverpool Sat 26th Jun 1926, 16:00 on 6LV LiverpoolView in Radio Timesthe Scala Cinema. Source: Radio Times
17:00Afternoon Topics.6LV Liverpool Sat 26th Jun 1926, 17:00 on 6LV LiverpoolView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
17:15FOR THE CHILDREN.6LV Liverpool Sat 26th Jun 1926, 17:15 on 6LV LiverpoolView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:00Bourlet and Montague's Symphonies from the "Edinburgh Cafe Ballroom.6LV Liverpool Sat 26th Jun 1926, 18:00 on 6LV LiverpoolView in Radio Times Source: Radio Times
18:30Dance Music.6LV Liverpool Sat 26th Jun 1926, 18:30 on 6LV LiverpoolView in Radio TimesTHE LONDON RADIO DANCE BAND. Relayed from London. Source: Radio Times
19:00Programme6LV Liverpool Sat 26th Jun 1926, 19:00 on 6LV LiverpoolView in Radio TimesS.B.from don Source: Radio Times