relayed from the Albert Hall.
S.B. from London.
" Rambles Round a Library-'A Duet with Chorus' (Conan Doyle ; ' At Villa Rubein ' (John Galsworthy )."
.. (Baritone).
(In this Item two Verses and Chorus of " Never As Long as I Live " are used.) .
A Play of Modern Life by Sydney Sperd.
(in the order of their speaking) :
Marsh (a Pawnbroker and Dealer in Antique Jewellery) SPARKS
A Hawker.
1.-Inside John Marsh 's Shop. 2.-The same, two hours later. 3.-The same, three days later.
4.-A room in James Trent 's house, Kensington, W. One month later.
S.B. from London.