'Gay Days at
Bath : The Regency Period '
The Wireless Orchestra, conducted by Capt. W.A. Featherstone
Glinka, the first real native Composer that Russia produced, spent some years in study in Italy, and then worked with a German master, Dehn, who at last told him ho was fit to 'go home and write Russian music,' which he proceeded to do with great success. After writing the opera, A Life for the Czar', he produced 'Russlan and Ludmilla', in 1842, when he was thirty-eight. This is a strange opera of Dukes and Knights, Poets, Dwarfs and Fairies.
relayed from the Grand
Super Cinema, Westbourne. Directed by ISA-DORE GODOWSKY
' That True Idleness is Deserving of the Highest Praise.' Proposed by Mr. HUGH STOKES. Opposed by Mr. RISDON BENNETT
Cinema (Continued)